Developmental Milestones For 2-3 Year Old

Children develop the fastest from birth to 5 years old. These changes take place across various domains of development i.e.

  1. Cognitive
  2. Physical (Fine and Gross Motor)
  3. Socio-emotional and
  4. Language.

Most children follow a certain pattern of growth and development or achieve certain skills/abilities at a particular stage in development. These are called developmental milestones. However, it is important to note that every child grows and develops at their own pace, and might achieve a few milestones faster or slower than usual. If you feel concerned about your child not achieving a milestone, contact your pediatrician or speak to our expert.

Did you know?

90% of a child’s brain development happens by the age of 6?

Cognitive Development:

  • Continues to explore through trial and error and experiment-based play. 
  • Engages in play or activities that require problem-solving (e.g. building a tower with 4 or more blocks, stacking blocks of decreasing sizes into one another, solving puzzles with 4-8 pieces).
  • Gets better at sorting objects by shapes, colours, etc. 
  • Attention span improves gradually (5-8 minutes). Begins to develop the ability to shift focus from one area to another and back again. 
  • Displays a stronger memory (e.g. completes words/sentences in familiar rhymes/stories).
  • Understands and follows simple two-step instructions such as “Pick up your shoes and put them in the rack.”
  • Identifies familiar things in a picture book (e.g. cat, bird, or bus).
  • Begins to use mental representations (a toy to represent another object) e.g. a block/comb as a phone.
  • Understands ownership and knows what is “Mine”.
  • Knows, and can say their name, age and gender (boy or girl).
  • Counts up to three objects and can go up to five by the end of 2 years.
  • Begins to understand and carry out simple addition and subtraction with the numbers “one” and “two”.
  • Begins to recognize patterns (e.g. daily routines).

Physical Development:

  • Begins to stand on tiptoe. 
  • Walks and runs efficiently.
  • Climbs without assistance  (up and down stairs, onto and down from furniture, on playground equipment, etc.)
  • Might jump, but not very well.
  • Stands on one foot, just for a few seconds.
  • Begins to perform more actions (e.g. throwing, kicking and catching balls.
  • Begins to ride a tricycle.
  • Displays improved fine motor abilities (e.g. flexing wrist to turn/twist door knobs/lids, squeeze and pound clay, etc.) 
  • Draws or copies straight lines and circles (not perfectly).
  • By 3 years, builds a tower of 10 blocks. 
  • Displays hand-dominance (using one hand over another) by 3 years old.
  • Turns pages in a book, one at a time.
  • Develops good ‘thumb and finger’ control.

Socio-emotional Development:

  • Exhibits more independence.
  • Displays defiant behaviour (doing what they have been told not to). 
  • Says “no” more often.
  • Temper tantrums might be quite common, mostly due to an inability to control/manage emotions.
  • Gets involved in dressing and undressing self.
  • Shows aggressive behaviour when involved in conflict situations.
  • Begins to label feelings that they may recognize in themselves or others.
  • Uses comforting objects like a teddy bear, blankets, pillow, etc.
  • Imitates others, especially adults and older children.
  • Shows excitement when they are with other children.
  • Begins, or continues, to engage in parallel play (i.e. playing alongside others without interacting).
  • Does not understand the concept of sharing yet. Might grab things they want from others, as a result.

Language Development:

  • Points to objects or pictures that are named. 
  • Speaks in sentences of about 2 to 4 words.
  • Comprehends simple instructions, and simple explanations to questions.
  • Repeats words overheard in conversations. 
  • Due to curiosity, asks many “why,” “what” and “how” questions. 
  • Uses about 200 to 300 words which can increase to over 500 words by the time they turn 3.
  • Names familiar things like a few body parts, animals, people, etc.
  • Pronunciations are improving but might still need translation for outsiders.
  • Pretends to read from familiar books.
  • Might sing the A-B-C song, but without knowing the meaning.
  • Might attempt to write the first letter of their name.
  • Scribbles a lot.

Feeding and Sleeping Information:

  • Drinks through a straw.
  • Might show a great decrease in appetite. 
  • Might still take a 1-2 hour nap in the afternoon. 
  • Might sleep for 10 to 12 hours in the night.
  • Might play up or refuse to go to sleep when it’s ready for bedtime.

Did you know?

Research reveals that – every $1 invested in an early childhood program can yield $4-$16 in returns.

Helps your child achieve the above milestones through simple at home activities for 2 years old. Subscribe to Jyppzer Kids Plan Today!

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